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Your Unwanted Items:



We will be pleased to make you a considered cash offer without obligation on your unwanted jewellery, based on current purchasing trends and fashions.

Part Exchanged

We would always be pleased to discuss taking your items in part exchange for something we have in stock. That way you swap something you do not want for something of equal value that you can wear, appreciate and enjoy.


As skilled and experienced craftsmen we are able to use any drawings, illustrations, photographs or pictures you may have to faithfully re-create an exceptionally fine piece of jewellery. By re-modelling gems you already own it is possible to increase the value of your jewellery without significant cost.






Ascot Goldsmiths – 01344 844 444

Mobile  – 0777 40 60 920

Traditional Independent Jeweler

2 Course Road, High Street, Ascot, Berks, SL5 7HL